Amie Adelman’s work investigates the use of line in two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and installation formats using thread. Trained as a weaver, Amie was originally inspired by preparing yarns for dressing the loom. She progressed over a period of years from weaving to her current work, which integrates her knowledge of surface design and weaving. She describes the beginning stages, “Clare Verstegen taught me how to create a grid on a print table with t-pins and thread to register a shape. In 2005, I took that knowledge and made a grid on the wall with nails and thread. Then I organized hundreds of truck reflectors in a pattern based off of a weaving draft. Although the thread grid was not part of the finished piece, I thought it could be a strong piece by itself.”

In 2007, Amie began experimenting with three-dimensional weaving by stretching thread between nails on the wall to create curvilinear forms that hang in space. She had learned that off-loom weaving offered her an added perspective of depth and tactility that she could not achieve through traditional weaving techniques. At the same time, she studied descriptive geometry, which requires making sense of objects in relationship to each other by manually solving the problem three-dimensionally.

                                           -        Ann Brockette